Monday, January 18, 2016


I found it, that book with that part I had underlined and said, "YES!" to.

The book is a called Fervent, which is also my favorite word. In fact, one of my first few posts on this blog years ago was titled Fervent, because it is my favorite word.

Fervent: (adjective) having or displaying a passionate intensity. Synonyms: impassioned, passionate.

I picked up this book, but haven't touched in 4-5 months (I am in the middle of reading another book right now, sometimes I bounce around with my books) and nestle down in bed. As I am reading this, the words sound familiar. I've heard these impassioned words ... this morning.

I look flip the book to the front cover to see who the author is, Priscilla Shirer, name doesn't ring familiar. Flipping the book over to see if there is a photo of the author. I love photos of writers. I just want to see what they look like.

It's her!

No wonder the words sounded familiar. Priscilla Shirer is the woman who played the wife in the movie War Room. The passion and insight of the words of the elderly woman who took the wife in to teach her, was actually the words already written by Priscilla in her book Fervent.

I just watched that movie yesterday morning.

Dots connecting together.

Divine dots, perfect timing.

I had it underlined ... Strategies? Yes. Because as you may have noticed, the battles your enemy wages against you - possess a personality to them, in intimate knowledge of who you are and the precise pressure points where you can most easily be taken down. 

I am on to something.

I am paying attention.

Pieces are being revealed.