Thursday, December 31, 2015


Constantly weighing and putting a finger on the pulse of my life, was 2015 what I wanted, what will 2016 look like? On a scale, how would I overall rank 2015?

It is reflection and fine-tuning of blessings and storms.

What haven't I done yet, what is it I want to do? I cannot change a single thing from 2015, but there is always 2016!

I'm guessing most people do this assessment. I take my life very seriously. Work hard, play harder, give everything my absolute best.

This is my typical New Year's Eve nostalgic reflection and anticipation for coming next year.

Blessings will come as will storms.

I am beautifully and wonderfully made. I am a child of the most high God. I have hopes and dreams, and I have a God who knows all and sees all. I am not the holy spirit. It is not for me to be God. I am equipped and my eyes and heart is open. I am older, smarter, wiser and have learned what works, what doesn't, and what to let go of. I am exactly where I am supposed to be on purpose.

Hello 2016.