Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Perfect Career

After four months of being at the rescue mission, now being full time and being 100% in charge, I am falling more and more in love with my new job every day.

As I am getting in my groove, flexing the muscles of change and seeing most positive results, my mind is opening, challenge is being richly fulfilled, and stimulation is at an all-time high as I juggle countless balls in air.

What would stress most people, energizes and strengthens me and I can honestly say that I have found my perfect career.

David and I had the "significance" conversation recently.  I am always wanting to stretch and grow our relationship because complacency has always been a certain death to me.

I always read to learn and stretch my mind. To improve myself and want do something totally new, to experience all life has to offer. I'm always looking on the horizon to see the next goal and pushing hard to it, because that is my personality.

Setting my eyes on a goal, making it happen and willing to clean up the aftermath is how I function.

It is that very mindset that lead me on the journey for significance in a career for my life.  Financial security is comforting and safe, but I was wilting and unfulfilled. So, I took an enormous leap of faith not knowing what would come next, because I didn't even know.

My liberating journey from financial security to significance was two incredible summers off, rejuvenating in countless different ways, enjoying life again, falling in love, staying directly connected to God in search of Him and my purpose in life.  Along the way I swam in deep dark waters of serious financial struggle, being home to help my daughter through a nightmarish year, and the my oldest daughters journey through losing her dad.

If my eyes were always on the goal of significance and purpose in a career in my life, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that love to me is a million times greater.

Love is my favorite subject. Ever. It always has been.

After 43 years and quite the journey through my quest for love in life, I am more steadfast on getting love right than anything else. Far beyond a career.

My eyes are on the goal. I see exactly where I want to be and as a boundary-stomping, path-clearer with side-blinders on, I push.

I see where I want to be and a life to live.

I bet it's hard sometimes to be in a relationship with me. It has been hard for those in the past who like the comforts of complacency and those who cling to staying stagnant in life.

When I reflect on the journey to finding significance in my career, I see nothing but goodness and blessings. Thankful for my braveness of risk and blind faith to trust my instincts in knowing I wasn't where I was supposed to be and not allowing financial comfort to keep me from a greater life of happiness.

I will always want to take something to the next level because I embrace and thrive in significance, challenge, stimulation, and all things new for a life well lived.

I don't have a bucket list with a limited list of things I want to do. My bucket list looks like a mighty river flowing into a body of water that is constantly flowing, never ending and never runs dry.

Knowing I am exactly where I am supposed to be in a career is absolutely fulfilling. For a season or a lifetime, I don't know that answer. It feels amazing being so fulfilled though.