Thursday, June 19, 2014


Intensity is the theme I want for this summer.


the quality or condition of being intense.
great energy, strength, concentration, vehemence, etc., as of activity, thought, or 
a high degree of emotional excitement; depth of feeling

Intense workouts, intense outdoor activities, intense playing.

Turning 44 years old next month simply adds challenge to wanting more, doing more, being more. I choose to be bikini-ready by the end of next month. Because I can and why wouldn't I want a healthy goal. 

I am down 16 lbs. in 3-1/2 months. When I hit a plateau it has always taken intensity to break the barrier and put me on the other side and it took intensity to break that 16th lb. 

Intense summer fun for me will be riding the towpath farther than I imagined, riding jet skis, joining an outdoor workout group, beating my own record of running the Monument steps more than 16 times (I'm up to 10 being early summer), I want to go white-water rafting, kayaking, my list is open.

Give me a goal to strive for or I wilt and suffocate in idleness.

Warrior Dash is in August and I will be competing accidentally in the most competitive heat. Intensity in training initially started for Warrior Dash, but has become my new focus, goal and theme for this summer.