Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tattered Flowers Tell the Best Stories

Flowers, textures, and all things floral, I love variety in shapes for home décor.

I long to leisurely walk in the sunshine strolling through gardens admiring their color and beauty. I enjoy planting flowers in the springtime fresh and new and admire their growth at the end of a hot summer appreciating the ambiance they provided at my home for a season.

I especially love to see a flower bloom when I thought all was lost and the plant was dead. I've been known to water and care for plants long after they look ready for the trash can to bask in pure joy when new life spouts and what looks dead comes back to life. They become my prize possession.

Of course, I enjoy flowers that are simple, easy, and take little work and attention, but it is my flowers I have to especially care for that I really care for.

Tattered flowers tell the best stories.