Sunday, March 16, 2014

Called Out

I fall on the sword of being totally transparent. I claim, share, and project the comfort being so open that anyone can distinctly see through the substance of my thoughts and heart.

For 98% of the time, I truly am. Totally transparent means 100% though. The 2% isn't shadiness, it is simply the fine line between personal privacy and total honesty. It is the 2% that I hold close to my heart.

For the first time in my life, I give bows and congrats to David for being smarter than the one who used to call me out on my blinks and heart beats. Once upon a time, my total transparency gave comfort and peace of mind to another who I thought was one of the smartest men I've ever known. David is highly, sometimes scary intelligent, and he just stepped it up a notch.

I love the mental stimulation of a smart partner in life and I embrace the role of allowing him to be the man in the relationship. I step down to allow him to step up.

Last night we were enjoying a quiet Friday night at home with no kids and spending time on the couch just talking. Not a talking conversation on a cell phone or texting, but just talking with each other. I don't remember what the topic was, but I was being open and honest sharing something when I claimed my total transparency that should give him peace and comfort.

He called me out saying I am not as transparent as I like to claim.

I had a millisecond to choose my response: Smile sweetly, wide-eyed and act like I have no idea what he is talking about or look him straight in the eye and confirm his intelligence.

In honor of complete admiration and respect I confirmed his statement. He is absolutely and officially the smartest man I know. I love his mind and I love having a partner in life that knows me.

I am transparent in life with the topics that I want to be transparent with, which for the most part is pretty much everything. There are very few topics that are off the table with me. It's my 'claim' to total transparency that provides comfort and total openness; however, there is 2% that is my personal privacy.

Just when I thought I have David figured out, he raised the bar to a new level, and I am dazzled and impressed with his intelligence. I respected his calling me out so much that I had too much admiration for him to deny it. Touche'! 

Intelligence in a relationship is as important to me as sharing my faith, the must have of pure chemistry, and trust. It is the respect factor that I must have in a partner to survive in a relationship.