Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pruning Season

With a high tolerance for a lot of stuff, lately I find myself getting glimpses into others peoples lives that has me racing back to my bubble of a world called home.

Lives everywhere out of control by selfish, narcissistic, control freaks that do daily damage to their families and homes.

I feel like Punxsutawney Phil not wanting to pop my head out of my home until February 2nd, 2014.

Home is a place of refuge and rejuvenation and I feel like I could honestly prune these dead branches out of my life because they simply add nothing and the weight of their branches are so brittle that they could easily break off at the slightest of winds.

Just yesterday, I had a plant that has refused to grow and thrive in my yard and as a girl that doesn't give up on anything with a vein of life in it, I yanked it right out of the ground. I was simply tired of looking at its lifeless branches that refused to look healthy no matter where I planted it, watered it, and tended to it.

So I yanked it out of the ground tossed it in the trash and replaced it with a vibrant autumn mum with pink flowers that are ready to burst open any moment.

My flower bed looks better already.

I feel as if I am brushing the dust off my hands and am ready to face tomorrow. Pruning season.