Monday, September 23, 2013

March 23rd An Extraordinary Day

Some mornings become extraordinary and my path is forever changed.

March 23, 2013 I received a friend request on Facebook from a boy I was beyond excited to hear from 20 years ago. The rest ... well, is my 6 month journey and life change later.

It makes me think of countless, ordinary mornings that I woke up to know what my day will presumably look like with basic million choices to make to direct my path.

What about that morning. March 23rd. To wake up to another normal day unaware the universe has lined up in my favor and my life was about to significantly change in all the ways that I've always dreamt about, but had given up on.

A specific day chosen in life that a forever change began.

I don't say forever, because I am guaranteed forever with him, there are no guarantees. I say forever changed because I simply am.

This journey is everything I've always wanted. Every lesson in life I've learned, every what not-to-do has been lavishly poured into this relationship with him. That's the beauty of experience. Wisdom.

I say forever because should I get him forever, what is bound on earth is bound in heaven. That means for eternity. Should I not get him forever ... I've seen, experienced, and believed again on what I had lost hope in. Love.

Today is incredibly important to me and a bzillion thanks go up to God for him.