Monday, May 20, 2013

1970's ... Sunshine

About a month ago, Bill, a colleague of mine who lived in Dayton and I spent the afternoon working together for the first time. It was actually our very first time working directly together and I found his approach on a sales call we did together warm, open, talkative, and friendly.

Two days later I received a phone call that he had a massive heart-attack and was found dead in his yard.

He was 56 years old and left behind a wife and four children that were truly the center of his world.

Last night I had a dream.

I dreamed that Bill and I were working together for the day and at the beginning of the dream he specifically told me his favorite song was from the 1970's. After he said the name of the song, the only word I caught in the title was the word "sunshine." Later last night, actually early morning I'm guessing, I dreamed about Bill again.

This time I was at his funeral. Those planning the funeral wanted to play his favorite songs, but didn't know what to play. I spoke up and said his favorite song was from the 1970's and had the word "sunshine" in it.

I woke up.

The dream seemed more than a dream. Actually, it was very specific almost like a message.  When I woke up I thought I had to run my dream by Terry, my other colleague, who was Bill's best friend.  They were close like brothers and had worked together across the country in different careers for decades.

I felt like I was supposed to say something to Terry, as if he would know.

Terry came into the office at lunchtime today and while everyone was hanging out talking, I piped up and told him I had a dream about Bill.  He smiled. Almost knowingly.

I told him about my dream and that Bill was very specific in letting me know what his favorite song was.

Terry smiled and said "Sunshine on My Shoulders" was his favorite song that was from the 1970's, it was Bill and his wife Julie's favorite song and the song they had played on their wedding day.

I'm not certain why I received that message.

I did ask Terry to be sure to tell Julie.