Thursday, August 25, 2011

1/2 of a Birthday Present

For Mariah’s 16th birthday last weekend, my ex-husband, his wife and I planned a luau.  We spent the evening shopping together, and hosted a luau celebration with both sides of our families.

When it came to Mariah’s expensive birthday gift, we split that too. 

Brooke asks “Mom, who are you going to split my birthday gift with?”  In fear she won’t get the same quality gifts her sister does. 

I promise her that she will always receive the same financial amount of gifts that her sister gets.  Brooke’s dad passed away 8 months ago.

Brooke’s 12th birthday is in two months. 

She is excited.  My heart hurts. 

Her first birthday without her daddy. 

Keith always went overboard on birthdays, holidays and never brought Brooke home from his weekend with her without a present. 

Gifts were his love language.

Ensuring Brooke gets the same quality gifts as her big sister, she asks again “Mom, who are you going to split my birthday gift with?”  She needs an answer.  She wants an answer.

Do not cry, I yell in my own mind.  My chest hurts.  Tears want to surface.

“Brookie, I am going to split your birthday gifts with your daddy.  I will pay for ½ your gift and the other ½ will come out of daddy’s social security.” 

Brooke smiles.  Satisfaction.  I believe that was the exact answer she was hoping for.

I think of Brooke’s upcoming birthday in November and I think I have figured out the PERFECT birthday gift that will bring incredible happiness to her heart!

It will be from her mommy & daddy.