Friday, June 10, 2011

Simple Expectations

In life I make sure my i’s are dotted and my T’s are crossed. 

My home is very clean and organized.  My yard is maintained with great care of mowing 2x per week, edged, mulched, Round-up on any stray weeds and flowers pots watered daily on my patio. 

The fridge is always full of meat, salad, fresh fruits and enough sweets to get us girls through our sweet cravings. Laundry is kept up, the house stocked with all necessary supplies with every need and want met.

This smooth running system is the norm in our daily life.  This household has the expectant attitude that life is just this way, just as the sun comes up every morning.

With all things that are good, I have failed.  There were no homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies or Mountain Dew in stock this morning. I had a spoiled and disappointed Billy on my hands so I guiltily made breakfast cheerful!

He still grumbles about not having Mariah’s famous cookies and Mountain Dew, he sure likes the comforts of the familiar. We all do, I guess.  The simple things in life we come to expect, that provide comfort, familiarity and routine.

I like having wine in the house. I may not touch it for months, but it is comforting knowing it is there. Brooke (and I) enjoy knowing there is an emergency can of cake icing hidden and available for that sneak spoonful when a bit of chocolate is needed. Mariah seems to like cookies in the cookie jar best. Billy likes to know there is salad and fun toppings available to create one of my fabulous salads at any time and Mountain Dew always in stock.  

Simple expectations. Easy to understand anticipations. One happy and spoiled family.