Monday, June 6, 2011

Loving and Logical

I have my moments where I am simply undone.

It is pretty much always over small and insignificant things that have compiled big enough in my mind to bring out irrational behavior. Then I am done. 

Done is a scary place. Done means, I am so mad that I no longer care. People “get it” when you reach this point of no return and the waters become dangerously unsafe.

Yesterday I had one of these moments and Billy’s good sense kicked in.

He was in my driveway before I knew he was even on his way over to cover me with love. He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead with soft kisses over and over and over and will do it for however long it takes to make me smile. Irrational dissolves.

He is patient. He is loving. He deeply loves me and I know it.

He steps up and gently takes over.

Loving and logical. Magical and masculine. That boy knows how to calm the storm.

I love my best friend.