Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16th

Last night I was checking my messages before I turned off the lights to go to bed.

The date on my BlackBerry reflects May 16th. Hmmm, that date is familiar. A birthday? Why does this date remind me that it has significance?

May 16, 1997, the day Keith and I met.  We met fourteen years ago.

Fast forward 14 years … it has been almost five months since Keith’s death.

Debbie called me sobbing last night. The Lambert’s are loading up their van of Keith’s possessions from Keith & Debbie’s condo to take back to Indiana and they are trying to take the train set.

Keith had a train set that runs around the Christmas tree that Brooke has loved since she was a little girl. A Christmas memory she cherished with her daddy.  Debbie has promised this to Brooke and the Lambert’s want to take everything and not share.

Debbie runs to the battle line for Brooke. Emotions run high, all heck breaks loose! Emotional phone calls placed, needed heart-to-heart conversations, the train set has been left behind for Brooke.

My how things change.

Debbie and I bonding.  Debbie and I battling together on behalf of Brooke.

Once upon a time, Debbie and I used to be at war and I do not use that term lightly.

Life changes.

Keith and I met May 16th on a dance floor. I can’t help but think of yesterday when I heard Shania’s song in the car that took me back to being on a dance floor with him.

Were his presence which was felt so strongly and the song that took me down memory lane to being on a dance floor with him a coincidence or a sign? 

After all, it was May 16th.