Thursday, April 1, 2021

Life is a Whirlwind


Life is a beautiful whirlwind of so many blessings happening. 

Easter is approaching, which puts faith in perspective, and means all the chaos going on in the world has a time limit. Spring is in bloom, so is a new relationship. My daughter is ready to have her baby and I am on standby for that magical phone call as I step in and take my grandbabies during the birth and anxiously wait the arrival and wonder of what my new grandbaby is. I'm already in love and beyond excited to meet and smell and kiss this sweet baby. Many prayers of a safe and healthy delivery are going to a mighty God. The snowbirds arrived home safely and it was just announced yesterday, I have been nominated for Salesperson of the Year 2020, again. I won last year, so I'm betting they give it to someone else this year. I'm just happy being at the top of the list though. Buds are forming on the trees, my flowers are popping, and I am going out of town this weekend with the best guy. I cannot wait to go on this adventure with him. I know he is going to be significant, it's been a beautiful beginning. We have upcoming plans and trips, which is exactly what I want in a partner, someone to share and live a life of adventure with. My hitch has been installed on my new SUV and this girl is ready for biking season. Like I said, life is a beautiful whirlwind.