Monday, April 12, 2021

Baby Induction Day


I just received a photo of my daughter smiling in her gown, ready for induction. I'm in happy tears to see her smiling versus the middle of the night race to the hospital in hard labor.

This momma has been praying for nine months. Well, really her whole life and regardless if she's 25 years old, married, and about to deliver her 3rd baby, she is still my baby, first. 

Yesterday, I tested positive for covid and it was the first time since I can remember where I just cried. Sure, I've had emotional tears, but full fall apart, that's been a long time. The timing couldn't be worse, the nurses felt awful, and allowed me my moment.

I may be in quarantine and of no help my grandbabies right now, but I do have the power of prayer, and believe me, this [Grand]momma is praying!