Sunday, April 25, 2021

Unspeakable Joy


COVID was horrible, but the day finally came where I met my granddaughter, Claire.

There is something powerful and God-given when it comes to maternal instinct. Hugging my babies that I missed so much, I hugged my daughter, then reached for my new granddaughter. It's hard to see through tears, but I can still feel her warm little body as I pulled her in my arms, felt her velvety soft skin, the fuzzy top of her head, and breathed in her baby scent.

Perfectly, wonderfully, fearfully, and beautifully made, it was the most natural thing in the world to have her in my arms. It is unspeakable joy to have my grandbabies fill my arms and I was in Grandmomma heaven surrounded by my littlest loves.

Little Rowan called me "Grandma" for the 1st time, too.