Monday, February 27, 2017

Finally! Fresh Nails

For well over a decade fake nails and even worse, the 90's french tip manicure, is like finger nails scraping down a chalk board. A pet peeve I am highly aware of, notice and cringe at the sight of.

Thank you, God! Finally, a refreshing article regarding modern natural nails...

"There's something so refreshing and modern about the no-color trend. Instead of shocking shades and elaborate art, this one is all about showing off the health of your nails and the effect is super easy to pull off. Innovative base coats and top coats give you perfectly polished, low-maintenance nails in just a few swipes."

Look at the nails of models and movie stars, for well over a decade they have not worn tacky, false and/or the trailer park fabulous french tip manicures. Their nails are always in a well-manicured natural look. Always. 

Money and time spent in nail salons is shocking. How about invest that money in skin care? Your face is the first thing everyone notices anyway and the skin your in that will last your lifetime is a wiser investment. 

For me, give me natural nails and unlimited car washes.