Sunday, October 23, 2016

Listening to the Voice of God

I'm reading a new book Discerning the Voice of God from one of my new favorite authors Priscilla Shirer.

In busyness, a very full schedule, the noise of life, television, social media, favorite quotes, mantras and respected opinions I find myself searching for answers and direction.

Not crumbs of I believe this and I believe that from my worldly perspective that gets lost and jumbled inside of feelings and emotions, but truths.

About a decade ago when I really became interested in searching for God, He spoke to me through books and words and devotions, because that's where I searched for Him.

I called this blog The Magical Highlighter because when I was seeking Him, words would jump off the page as answers as if they were highlighted. Where you seek Him, you will find Him. Truly, He can and will use any path He chooses to reach you.

When He does it through the most unlikely of people, my awareness is heightened and I find myself in moments of impressed respect. Which sounds ridiculous evening typing because our minds cannot even grasp all who He is. I guess it's just an avenue that speaks better to me personally.

Sitting still is my go to in storms. I sit still, connect more strongly with God, heal, get strong, and enjoy my place of covering and protection.

Sometimes its days, sometimes its weeks, and a few times it has been months.

At the end of sitting still, which is like a gentle nudging, I go from loving the warmth and protection to ready to ready to throw the gates open and race again.

Sitting still is not a time out. It's not a punishment. It's a yearning to quiet the noise and connect with God in a deeper way.

This book Discerning the Voice of God is how to recognize God's voice when He is speaking.

Priscilla shares in If Your Listening ...

My prayer time used to be a one-way conversation - all talk, all the time. Once I'm finished bringing my prepackaged matters to God's attention, instead of ending things right there - as though I've dutifully delivered my report to Him and can now go about my business as usual - I don't. I resist the urge to jump to my feet just because "I'm done." Sure, I might be done, but ... what if God's not? I've gotten a chance to talk - to share with Him what's on my mind. Why should I not at least allow Him the same courtesy?

Rather than telling God things I already know, I invite Him to tell me things only He knows, things He wants to share with me by His Spirit. 

The thoughts of God know ones knows except the Spirit of God. 
- 1 Corinthians 2:11

I've done a lifetime of talking in prayer, we are supposed to present all things big and little to Him. My new journey is now learning how to listen, perhaps not forcing Him to be a show off and speak through the craziest of avenues simply because He can. Although, it does dazzle and impress me. 

How on earth am I supposed to know answers to specific matters I pray about if I don't give Him the opportunity to speak after my lengthy list of prayer requests and an Amen?

I'm learning to turn my one-way conversation/requests/pleas/and everything I fervently present and perhaps give Him the opportunity to speak and me listen. 

A two-way conversation. 

Listening to the voice of God.