Thursday, May 5, 2016

Prayer Room/Office

It's done! My new prayer room/office is complete as of this morning.

Thanks to my dad & mom for painting, my desk is in place with my comfy chair sitting in the corner for a reading place. The room is simple and that is how I want it.

I just put Brooke's prayer board up and I went downstairs to get a couple prayer cards I'd had as a start to put on the walls. Yep, I'm going to cover the walls in prayer. I grabbed my bible and my book Fervent for this room.

Picking up my prayer cards I found one from two years ago. It was a promise that reads ...

Recognizing the unlimited measure of God's
love and that He chooses to use us, in spite of our state, 
on this, Fifth Day of May, in 
the year Twenty and Fourteen, I/we do 
hereby commit and affirm our devotion to
God and to His service by this decree:

To love beyond
measure and
pray fervently
for the things in
life that matter 

This was my decree.

Did you catch the date? The fifth of May, 2014. Today is the fifth of May, 2016.

To pray fervently, my book Fervent sits on my desk.

Coincidence? No. This room was predestined, I didn't know it until today.