Monday, February 23, 2015

Good Decision Baby Girl!

Brooke asked if I would like to go to Starbucks for a drink. Her treat [she has a gift card].

I asked if she would like to meet one of her friends there, but she always prefers me.

She likes to have stimulating conversations in public. So much to the point where she brainstorms talking points while we are driving to a destination to keep conversation engaging, which always surprises me her being such a chatty-cathy always talking.

Dressed super cute, green tea for me, Vanilla Bean Frappuccino for her, the ambiance set, she states, "Alex asked me to be his girlfriend today."

Alex is her 1st major crush in life. He is a Senior, super cute, such a nice boy and they are really good friends.  She is googly-eyed over him and has been this entire school year.

I know she has been waiting for this. She has quite the fan club of really nice guys, because Brooke truly chooses really nice guys, but none stand a chance because of Alex.

"What did you say?" I asked in a mom-girlfriend kind of way.

"I told him I needed to think about it."

That surprised me.

She shared she is crazy about him. She tells him how handsome he is every day and he tells her she is gorgeous, but ... this is a significant decision, she shared she has hopes and dreams and she isn't taking it lightly.

She doesn't want it to last a week like others. She wants it to be real if she is investing her time.

There we sat at Starbucks having this conversation. Her sharing her hopes, dreams and thoughts. Drivers education training only months away and I realize she isn't a toddler anymore. She pulled through a year of hell on wrong med's in her system we are approaching the one-year milestone of the right med's and life back to normal.

Brooke is unique, interesting, smart. Not at all your ordinary high school girl, but far older in her mind than her years, She brings stimulating conversation, knows extraordinary facts about numerous topics the average person doesn't think about.

She speaks Chinese in anticipation of international communications she finds much stronger than the ordinary Spanish. She is two years away from her Marine Biology program she has wanted into since she was in elementary school.

She has dreams. She has standards. She is kind and sensitive. She is incredibly strong. She has endurance and perseverance that can outlast any adult.

Brooke is a fascinating girl.

When she was very young I have said, she is going to be a CEO someday.

Raising her brought many challenges that had me going to God.  God never gives you anything you cannot handle and for some big reason, he placed her in my womb when physicians said I couldn't get pregnant. He trusted me with this strong-willed, intelligent child.

I get the privilege of listening to her heart and good decisions as she enters her young adult years.

Good decision baby girl, Mommy is proud of you!