Tuesday, April 16, 2024

1st Bike Ride of the Season


The sun was shining and that was all we needed to load up the bikes and hit the towpath!

We have an easy 10-mile round trip path we like to ride; well, it's easy mid-season. It takes a bit of adapting to sitting on a bike for that many miles the start of every season. Yes, I may have a comfy Cloud 9 seat on my bike, but it still hurt to stand up after 10 miles.

Spring is so beautiful! The grass so green, wildflowers along the path, with patches of daffodils that popped up randomly. 

The part of the towpath we ride for an easy 10-miles is lovely with a river on one side and a brook on the other. In the brook are trees that have fallen over peppered with turtles. It's really the cutest thing!! 

Many were gathered two by two resting against one another, while the others were lined up together. In one section there were at least 15 of all sizes. We always stop to admire them.

We also stop at a 1/2 way destination for ice cream! I say, you know your old when you see two small cones are $4.50 each and we chose to split a large cone (with just as much ice cream) for $6.50. Splitting a medium would be more than enough for us both. We go with frozen yogurt.

I love being in nature and I love biking. It's hours of great conversation, listening to the birds, appreciating nature, exercise together, and much needed vitamin D.