Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Curly Hair & Blue Eyes


Our sweet, little Amelia is almost 2 months old! Her hair is growing, and we are all delighted she has her daddy's curls. Blue eyes from both her grandpa's, she is her daddy over with her eyes open and totally her momma with her eyes closed. I don't think I've ever seen such different looks in a baby.

Brookie is such a good momma, knows her sweet baby and is calm and patient. Amelia keeps a close eye on where her momma is, too.

Me, I'm always smelling her. I do the same with Sofia, Rowan and Claire. There is something about your baby's babies that makes them your own. I think about them, miss them, and pray for them constantly. 

Sofia is so smart and funny like her momma. Rowan in his raspy little voice is still such a snuggle bug and a boy through and through. Little Claire with her icy blue eyes, blond hair and full little lips is in my arms most every time I am with her. She is unapologetically direct and owns up to any shenanigan directly. 

Each of my grandbaby's are wonderfully unique. I am so blessed.