Saturday, May 28, 2022

My Little Girl is Going to Be a Mommy

My cup runs over. I have these moments of awe when I see this man by my side, every day, in every way, my best friend, my love, my confidante, my laughter, my protector, my provider, my Boaz. Only God. 

I cannot wait to marry him. 

To have our children and our grandbabies participate in our day, another on the way. My Brooke is pregnant. God love her, she planned, fully prepared, and I knew Mother's Day. After they left, I asked David if he saw how Brooke acted. She was so worn out she couldn't keep her eyes open. I said wildly excited, "She's pregnant!!" She didn't know it yet though and I didn't say anything but patiently waited for her to find out and announce it to us. 

She invited us over and opened the bedroom door the babies nursery. Some moments take your breath away. We all went to dinner in celebration. 

My dad saw her on Mother's Day and said she looked so beautiful and had my mom take a picture of her. My little girl. She's going to be a mommy.

She is calm and peaceful and nesting like crazy. It's beautiful to see her pregnant.

My Mariah & Jeremy moving into their new home this weekend. My Sofia, Rowan, and Claire... there is an unspeakable joy to have my grandbabies in my arms. 

This is the most favorite time in my life. I wouldn't trade being in my 50's for any other age. 

I can only imagine all of my prayers of thanks and one day telling Him in person how blessed and grateful I am for everything He has given me.