Thursday, January 27, 2022

Smoky Mountains Cabin Vacation


Adventure and natured called us. Our vacation to the mountains of Tennessee in a luxury cabin at the top of a mountain was more than we imagined. 

Being in nature is good for the soul. Being in a picturesque setting with my love and best friend, was magic. From cooking in the cabin, to the jacuzzi overlooking the mountains, to the fresh air, and peace and quiet, we had the perfect complement of rest and relaxation with endless opportunities of fun things to do in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. 

Dining, to wine tasting, to the Hatfield's & McCoys dinner theater, quaint shops, a museum, and game night at Mariah & Baylee's luxury cabin, we were lost in this vacation world we chose and it was absolutely perfect!

Mariah had planned a girls trip last summer, but I didn't remember where to or when. We ended up leaving town the same date to the same town, and we each had tickets to the Hatfield's & McCoy's dinner theatre show the same night, on the same side (Hatfield's). Booked several months apart and unaware of the other, our tables were right next to one another!! Like momma, like daughter. 

It was several days and nights of enjoying and taking in everything around us and he fell in love with these magnificent mountains. 

We certainly are blessed.