Friday, November 19, 2021



Paying bills this morning and putting my utility bills in a drawer, the drawer for the first time wouldn't shut. Pulling the drawer out, I found a Valentine's card from my grandmother dated 2013, that somehow slipped under the drawer and decided to make itself known.

Nostalgia fills my mind. She always sent me cards and handwritten notes. There is something so special about a handwritten note, which truly is a lost art. Email and texts are quick and easy, but a handwritten note from my grandmother in her handwriting is special. 

She always dated her cards and I never really understood why. Now, I get it. 

Her letter shared snippets of details and at the end she wrote, "I do enjoy you coming to visit." She loved my driving to see her in the mountains. I can imagine how wonderful I would feel if I was 80 years old, like her at the time, and one of my grandchildren pulled in my driveway to spend a couple days with me. She would greet me on the front porch and laugh in delight when I pulled in. I can only imagine. 

ON THIS DAY: 10 years ago, on Facebook was a post I made:

Life flows along normally... All it takes is
one moment, one day, one phone call
and everything changes forever. *Please 
keep my Mariah in your prayers.

I cannot believe it's been 10 years today since the phone call came. Eric said he needed to talk to me, his test results are in. I remember sitting down in the chair in my living room, when he said he has ALS. I hadn't heard of it, "What is that?" He said it was terminal. 

We were one month away from the 1st anniversary of Brooke's dad's death, when this second blow hit. 

Life is but a vapor. Some seasons seem to last forever and some slip by in a blink. 

A quick conversation with Mariah acknowledging the date. It's important to me that my girls know I am aware of dates. I never want them to feel they are alone in there thoughts. I was there, too. 

One take away from today, I will begin dating my cards. How I would love for my grandbabies to find a card from me one day, many years after I am gone, and them simply remember me and smile.