Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Kindness Matters



My babies waking up one by one, their sleepy faces, morning snuggles, and I had time snuggling, rocking, and talking softly to each of them. It's not that easy when they are all awake. 

It was my day off and my day completely open, which made for a perfect date date with my Sofia. She said, "mY fAvOrItE tHiNg iS hAvInG a dAtE dAy wItH yOu!" It was that moment we just got in the car and she knew she had my undivided attention, a full day ahead of us, and she reminded me that it's her date day, she's the boss, and picks when and how we do things.

Little Miss Determined knows exactly what she likes and wants to do, very clearly communicates it, no question there. I love her mind, her heart, seeing life through her eyes, and sharing life with her. 

It was a very busy, action packed day and before I took her home, we baked cookies. She told me Miss Joann, their elderly neighbor at their former house, her husband Paul died, is in heaven and Miss Joann is very sad. We baked cookies, put them on a pretty glass decorative plate, and knocked on her door.

Miss Joann was delighted to see sweet, little Sofia. In the way that an elderly person is who doesn't get much company and is lonely. We stepped in her door and she happily asked about everyone, especially our new little Claire. 

A plate full of chocolate chip cookies on a pretty glass plate, a quick visit, and we wished her Happy Thanksgiving. I love Sofia's heart and of all things we teach our children, kindness matters.