Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sinus Surgery


Hello, my name is Dawn and I am a nasal spray addict. It's probably safe to say, "I was" addicted to nasal spray as it can no longer be my vice of choice directly after coffee. 

After 20 years of using nasal spray several times a day, yesterday was my much needed and long overdue surgery to correct excessive congestion. What I didn't know was I had a deviated septum, too, which added to the fact that I could never breathe. Both repaired.

The day was a breeze, a lovely experience at the hospital, a fabulous staff, the worst part of the day was the caffeine withdrawal headache pre-surgery. Only a slight headache after surgery, nothing Tylenol hasn't handled, I always pass on pain meds. Even after my hysterectomy, give me Tylenol. 

The part I didn't anticipate is the hammock across my face with pads for all the bleeding. Annoying and unattractive, I will simply put a covid face mask to actual good use to hide my situation. 

A huge thanks to my mom for taking me to the hospital, staying with me, and the night. She is an excellent caretaker. Sleeping sitting up stinks. Not being able to bend over or lift anything for a couple weeks will bring challenges, but this too shall pass. 

All in all, it was a super easy procedure and I'm glad it's done.