Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Sprinkle

Mariah didn't want a baby shower, but she did agree to a small and intimate "Sprinkle". 

Spring mix salad with fresh berries and Poppyseed dressing, pasta, sparkling juice for a toast, and custom-made individual cakes with ganache icing, her Sprinkle luncheon was beautiful and her gifts lovely.

Wanting to get Mariah something special for the baby arriving, she picked out a pretty dresser with a changing table top she wanted so this baby has it's own dresser/changing table and I found her a pretty maternity nightgown & robe to wear now and for the hospital. 

May 1st. Her dad & I eloped and got married in Las Vegas this day. It's still surreal to think 26 years later, I would be preparing and celebrating the arrival of another grand baby and he's been gone almost 5 years now. 

Mariah stomach measures the same size as she was when she delivered Sofia and she has 4 more weeks to go. The baby is measuring 2 weeks larger than her due date. With her being really uncomfortable I decided to have her Sprinkle sooner than later ... just in case.  

This grandmomma is on standby and so ready for "the phone call".