Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Balcony Oasis

I am pleasantly surprised the new guy who moved into this community across from me has made effort with his balcony. Thank you.

Nice touch with the string lights and airy palm tree look. It has a fun, beach feel to it and I appreciate the view. 

Rule of thumb is, flowers cannot go outside until after Mother's Day because the nights can still be too cold. Every year I add something new and different and this year I've added the Hawaiian Love Plant as I am going with a pink palette for a splash of color this year.  

Several plants already potted and I've just begun. I love being on my balcony.

We met with the florist and selected the flowers for Brooke's wedding, I cannot believe it's only 4 months away. 

The baby is dropping in position and my poor Mariah is so ready. It's time to get my own bag together so no matter where I am, when the call comes, I'm prepared. 

I remember so vividly when I held Sofia for the 1st time and knowing that moment is coming again in glorious baby scent is exhilarating! 

Not knowing if it's a girl or a boy, having no idea what the name will be (that's always a secret), and wondering what color combination with this little one be. Yet, I am already in love. 

 *The 1st time I held my Sofia.