Sunday, April 15, 2018

Nostalgia Grips Me

I was asked today, "How do you feel about your daughter graduating and moving out?" [A wave of emotion hit me ... breathe ...] I laughed and said for the last five years I've been ready and now that it's here, it makes me panic.

It seems for as long as I can remember, I've been raising my girls. I've been a mom for going on 23 years. I'm cleaning out my home. What do I want to keep, what don't I want or use anymore and sometimes I worry I am heavy-handed purging. 

I look across my home and the transition from buying my home 15 years ago until now. The life these walls have seen. Life, drama, laughter, dreams, pain, blessings, love, loss and new life. Two little girls who are no longer little girls. Tomorrow is Mariah & Jeremy's 2nd wedding anniversary and next month Brooke graduates. Today, I snuggled and kissed my 8 month old granddaughter who has six teeth and changes before my eyes week after week. 

Life is a blur.

Purging I found photos, love letters, hand-written notes from my girls when they were little, and my dairy I kept 17 years ago. Memories. 

I'm grateful for our home. I wanted a home with a yard for my girls to grow up and play in and I moved into our excellent community where I felt safe being a single, young mom. It was important to me they had stability. We love our home. Through the years , changes and renovations, it is a reflection of us and our life together. 

It isn't a house, it is a home where love resides. 

I don't want all the work anymore. The mowing, mulching, flower beds, and shoveling. That was all a part of our life together and I loved it then. I'm ready for my free time to be filled with new things, but I will always be grateful for this home that love built.