Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Time of Reflection

It's Christmas Eve and I get to do devotions to everyone who walks through our doors hungry. I get to tell them about Jesus birth, the very reason the world is about to celebrate Christmas Day. This is a moment that lasts between 5-10 minutes and I send prayers up to God I convey what He wants these hearts to hear.

It all goes by so fast. Hopes and dreams and preparation and voila it's Christmas Eve morning.

Excitement is in the air and all the final touches are about to unfold in family, food, and celebration.

Ahhhhh ... the end of 2016. Goodbye, farewell, so glad you are almost completely over.

Keeping my eyes on my blessings, I think of my daughter's beautiful wedding and the gift of seeing her life happy and so in love with her husband and me, blessed with a son-in-law.

I look across my home and I see a beautiful new living room set that I waited far too many years to get. New carpet that refresh's my home and the gift of a new bathroom that complements the rest of my house.

In the beginning of winter and snow, I am so grateful for my Jeep Grand Cherokee that makes it like a champ up my driveway. And, for that automatic start button that warms is a most wonderful touch.

Mariah's marriage opened more space in my home and I am loving my new office/prayer room that has afforded me space to work from home one day a week.

This home was bought as a temporary transition over 13 years ago. Every year I have believed it wouldn't be much longer. Transformed, room by room, and much labor in my yard that blooms so beautifully each summer, this home has transformed into a perfect reflection of me. Comfortable and perfect, I decided to stay and refinance.

Saving a small fortune each month, I am excited to begin a remodel of my kitchen and dining room.

Sweet little Maximus, the new furry little addition to our family and home. Happy, playful, with the sweetest little disposition, Max is an absolute purr box!

Finn has a whole new purpose now, to watch over Max. It took a bit of adjusting, but he has taken a paternal role with him and he isn't as lonely throughout the day. He has definitely stayed off of Piggy, his stuff animal he used to spend all day on!

This next year Brooke also turns 18, I am on the homestretch.

New favorite places, a new hobby that occupies my time and my eyes set on goals I have let go of far too long. I am welcoming 2017 with open arms, hopes and dreams.

A grand production is about to begin, Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.