Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Break in the Clouds

Finally, a break in the clouds.

A deer was hit by an oncoming truck and literally flew in the air and into my Jeep. Some things in life are extra strange and I do call a buck air born flying at me strange! Five weeks later ... I just picked up my Jeep yesterday. So grateful to have it back.

Holidays in a rescue mission is pure madness. Everything falls into my office, from all of Ohio wanting to volunteer feeding the homeless during the holidays, the missions gala which is the largest fundraiser of the year adding another production between Thanksgiving and Christmas, massive food donations, increased clothing donations, working holidays and making these special, and weather turning into winter brings its own laundry list of needs for the population I work with. Cold weather brings in rodents and the mission became infested (30 mice caught in just one day unraveled me) with mice, we always battle bed begs and theft. Fed up I asked for tons of mouse traps and I went to the Humane Society and found the perfect cat for the mission, The Great Catsby. He is a mouser and friendly. Holidays also add high emotions in the mission and bad attitudes which is all day wear and tear. Add pulling off Thanksgiving at home and Christmas shopping, I find myself tapping into little things to bring me a sense of Christmas spirit and balance.

Max is adjusting to his new home with us, Finn isn't attacking him as much and I have lot of photo frames knocked over due to eight little paws that now race through my home. Having two cats is far different than the calmness of one. 

Balancing finances for Christmas is always a stretch, I closed on refinancing my home yesterday at a lower interest rate brings much relief. 

A break in the clouds.

I find myself regaining balance in little things from turning on the Hallmark channel for Christmas movies, Christmas music in the car, having special treats in the house, cleaning my house, reading my books and lots of conversations with God.

I go non-stop multi-tasking all day, every day working endlessly to make everyone's world easy at the cost of excessive weight of responsibility on my shoulders from other peoples issues with no end in sight.

What is unnecessary stress in my life and what life stresses do I need to push through? 

I am reassessing and shifting and I see bright blue skies!