Monday, November 7, 2016

7 and 11

Some days I stop and wonder how on earth I ever raised two little girls on my own for 20 years.

During times of flowing income and when I chose not to work everything always worked out and I never lost a thing.

You see, I have just enough. Just enough money for a good life and just enough for my occasional wants. I have the willingness to do the work and I absolutely agree God meets my needs and wants while giving me a grateful heart for every little thing.

When my girls were little, babies actually, I would dream of the day when they would be 7 and 11 years old. Oh, to have them at an easy age to relieve the all-consuming daily routine of being a single working, full-time mom with little ones.

Tomorrow Brooke turns 17. My girls will be 17 and 21.

I think of the ages 7 and 11 that seemed to be freedoms number, but now I look back and they were still babies.

17. That means the countdown begins to 18.

Freedoms homestretch. Light at the end of the single mom tunnel.

I feel like a butterfly wiggling in my cocoon, in a wonderful metamorphosis, emerging my way out to freedom.

I know the places I want to go, the things I want to see and experience and I am just about to do that!

Let the countdown begin ...