Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Presence

Brooke woke up this morning and asked, "Did you check on me last night" in a worried tone.

I hadn't.

She said she felt her comforter being pulled slightly off of her, saw a dark shadow, and heard, "I love you."  But, she didn't hear my usual footsteps walking away.

She questioned if it was me, but something in her knew it wasn't because she couldn't fall back to sleep.

Once in a very great while I will wake up in the middle of the night in a very matter of fact way that someone is watching me. I did that twice last night.

I open my eyes expecting someone to be standing there. I wasn't afraid, but I was in a sound sleep both times when I woke up thinking someone is beside me, looking at me.

I won't share this detail with Brooke now as to not confirm her fear.

Brooke has sensed her daddy's presence in her room on a few occasions. She like me, agrees that sensing is one thing, seeing a presence takes it to a too real level that neither her or I are comfortable with.

I always pray safety over our home. Last night I specifically prayed this for some reason. Even in prayer I sensed I wasn't alone.  I pray for safety and that nothing in my home is not of God.

I'm not afraid because of my faith, but I do wonder who.

My guess is her daddy, all this began the week he died.