Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Eye of the Tiger


I had Amelia for the afternoon when she took her first climb to stairs! I believe it all began at swim lessons earlier that day when one of the tasks was to learn to crawl out of the pool in an Army crawl fashion. She took her skills and applied them to the stairs.

At first, I watched to see what she would do on the 2nd step. Then, I got behind her so she wouldn't fall back. When she made it 1/2 way up the steps, I started to videotape her to send to her mommy & daddy.

As she got close to the top, Papa David, was cheering her on!!

"Good girl! A little further! Come on sugar! Almost there! Don't give up! Don't give up! Almost up! [friendly growl] Eye of the tiger!! Eye of the tiger! Finish up strong! Finish up strong! YES! You did it!" He swoops her up, holds her in the air and kisses her cheek.

Brooke & Alex arrived minutes after and when I told her she just climbed the stairs, Brooke said, "No she didn't." I proudly shared she did AND we have a video!

Left attended grandchildren will be loved, spoiled, and quite possibly taught new tricks!