Saturday, May 6, 2023

"You Looked Stunning Today"


My husband always lavishly loves me and showers me with words how beautiful I am even when I have no makeup on, glasses, a sloppy knot on top of my head, or a favorite worst outfit. Prior to dating, being caught like that would have been a certain death. Oh, how easily that changed!

He genuinely doesn't care and he genuinely makes me feel beautiful when I'm at my worst. 

About 8-9 years ago I found an outfit I fell in love with, but it was a bit too tight. I bought it anyway. I wore it once a couple years later, probably still a bit too tight, then back into the closet it went.

Since January, I've been doing intermittent fasting, Keto, and strength training. I don't remember when I weighed what I weigh now, last. I have a couple favorite outfits, I've held onto for many years and they all fit beautifully.

All this to say, that one outfit I bought when it was too small, looks great! I wore it a couple days ago and my husband told me several times how beautiful I looked and he asked me to twirl. Doesn't every girl dream of that?!. 

It was later that night in bed, when he whispered, "You looked stunning today..." I smiled and loved that he was still thinking about me in it.