Monday, December 6, 2021

A Castle at Christmas


A Saturday night off, which doesn't happen often, I choose for us to go to a castle lit up in Christmas lights for date night. Actually, every night feels like date night, but dinner out and a drive to the country, and I mean in the middle of nowhere, nestled on a hill was a castle lit up. 

We had drove an hour and as we were deeper in the country on rough roads, we see a hill lit up. Who would have imagined this pretty castle in the middle of nowhere. Who would have dreamed of building this and hauling building material out here? But it was simple and pretty.

We walk into the hotel hobby and asked where we should go. This is it. Simple and understated, but it was perfect. No grandiose lights and large crowds, just a castle, hotel, and walking path lit up in pretty lights. 

Then, we saw Santa and tables with a sign. For $10 we custom-made hot cocoa, decorated cookies, made an ornament, and saw Santa. 

It was magical in a quaint kind of way. There was something special about it not being too much, too crowded, too overly sensational. Simple was perfect. 

Driving home through the country roads the stars lit up the sky. We don't get many clear nights and sometimes out of sight is out of mind, but there they were twinkling bright. 

Relaxed, unrushed, our Christmas date was perfect. The best part is... the best never ends. Going home together, turning on the soft lights of the Christmas tree, slipping in comfy clothes, snuggling on the couch under a soft blanket, a warm drink was probably mint tea, and we turned on our new favorite series Jack Ryan.

I am in love with our life together and Christmas tree nights are the best.