Sunday, August 4, 2019

Chapter 49

Each of my chapters in life begin in the warmth of summer and end in the warmth of summer. Good stories just always do and so does chapter 49.

Life shifts quickly. I am packing and moving this week and while it isn't into my pretty new condo, I am going to be even farther ahead than I was last year selling my home and moving into my luxury apartment community. 

Making a fraction of a monthly payment for apartment rent (10 days only) in August, financial freedom brings peace of mind, a fresh perspective on where to go and what shall I do, lots vacation getaways and play day plans. 

It's all in your perspective.

It always feels like vacation at my apartment community with the pool, activities, and clubhouse amenities, but now I have a cook, housekeeper and butler. ha ha

I babysat my sweet grandbabies, Rowan for the 1st time. It's literally been decades since I've had two babies and it was easy. Busy, but easy. Rowan is happy and passive and did far better than I imagined 8 hours without his momma.

Smiling and coo'ing, he loves to hear how handsome he is and how much I love him.

Sofia is crazy about her brother. She tends to him and loves to hold and give lots of kisses. She is still my baby, too, and reminds me of how Brooke used to be, happiest when she was in my arms. That's Sofia. She is as affectionate as me and happiest be held, snuggled, and with my constant attention.

Sofia turns 2 years old this weekend. 2. She is 2 years of absolute joy! 

She sucks in her breath, "Oh, wow!" when she looks at my dangling earrings. I remember being a little girl and liking that my grandmother was fancy. Sofia likes dangling, blinging jewelry and I find no matter what I wear to see here, I wear earrings she enjoys.

I always tell her one day when her ears are pieced I will buy her fancy earrings, too. Let's be honest, I will buy her diamonds, I know she likes fancy things already.

I'm ready to move. Ready to make the most of chapter 49 in my life and enjoy the benefits of the twists and turns that life always brings.

Welcome August! I love August, September, and October, and I absolutely love this gummy smile. <3