In his new found appreciation and admiration, he looks at me and says, "You two are really a power couple."
I thought about his compliment from a pretty cool guy himself and as it continued to echo through my mind, I want to write a blog post about it. Unsure where to start, I Google power couple and here is what popped up:

A relationship between two people who are equally as cool as each other. They are as individually awesome and fun to be around as they are when they are together.
Neither one depends on the other for their feelings of self worth- they know in their heart that they are just as valuable to the world as the other. Good looking, optimistic, and sparks a light in the world that people recognize that goes beyond a normal relationship.
In a power couple, if one person is flawed, the other person makes up for their weaknesses in strength. Together they are the epitome of what anyone would desire in a relationship. They encourage goodness in the world and make it a better place by being together.
Neither one depends on the other for their feelings of self worth- they know in their heart that they are just as valuable to the world as the other. Good looking, optimistic, and sparks a light in the world that people recognize that goes beyond a normal relationship.
In a power couple, if one person is flawed, the other person makes up for their weaknesses in strength. Together they are the epitome of what anyone would desire in a relationship. They encourage goodness in the world and make it a better place by being together.
Truly I am flattered by his observation and opinion.