Monday, November 27, 2017

A Heart-Shaped Potato

It was just a good day.

Sometimes it's really hard to leave home. I'm home for days, run like crazy, try and grasp moments of normalcy just being home, then it's time to pack and head out again.

It's hard and sometimes I'm not ready and I cry. Then, I see Polaris and I happy sigh. It reminds me of the majestic mountains of West Virginia I would cross going to my grandmothers house. Those majestic mountains welcome and feel like a protective barrier from everyone behind me. Polaris is alive with newness, incredible growth and activity and new adventure awaits.

A part of my training is 6-weeks worth of studies and exams. Study lectures up to 60 pages each topic and I'm guessing I've taken 30 exams. It is a lot of study and book work in addition to hands on training. I was overwhelmed that first day when everything was new and I was handed a monstrous content book of online studies and I had no idea exams were part of this. Blah! As of today, I took my last exam.

The Area Director sat down with me today and asked if I was only interested in managing my hometown location or if I was open to other target markets. I reiterated to him that I came to this company for their growth opportunities. Yes, I am willing to relocate. He was pleased and said that things are going to take off pretty quick. Change is a familiar part of my life. 

Stopping in the hotel lobby for my after work cup of coffee, Veronica the concierge says, "Hi Dawn, how was work today?" Yes, I am on a first name basis with the concierge's here. We chat about our days then I head up to my suite, change into workout clothes, make a quick baked potato to go with my new favorite protein shake before I head to the gym for a workout. Strange dinner combination, don't judge. Anyway, it was the potato that made me smile ...

... it was heart-shaped and I appreciated it.

Off to the gym I go. Total confession, my membership comes with massage chairs and a water-pressured massage beds. After I work out, I get a massage, too. That alone is worth the membership!

It was a good day and tomorrow I pack up and head back home.