Tuesday, November 14, 2017

8 Years No Dentist

There was a very real reason my hands were sweating, I was feeling shortness of breath, and my hair follicles were tingling ...

    Once upon a time, I had a shot in my mouth that hit a nerve
 and I wanted to come out of the chair. The end.

That is how I went eight years without going to the dentist. 

There I sat in the dental chair after routine xrays during a checkup; although, that many years later I'm not certain it is called a checkup anymore. The dentist walked in and I immediately asked what the damage was and quickly went into how long it has been since I've been to a dentist. 

[Quick prayer] Perhaps. if I talk fast and offer excuses to my rationale the damage will make sense.

The dentist said, "We were just talking about you in the other room." [Gulp] He shared they were impressed I had not a single cavity and that it looks as if I have gone to a dentist every six months all these years. 

Thank you Sonicare toothbrush, Listerine (that kills germs) and Opalescence tooth whitening system for a bright white smile!