Saturday, September 1, 2018

Proverbs 17:6

I climbed into the back seat with my sleeping granddaughter. Lights out in her car seat with her little mouth open breathing, I kissed her sweet full little lips and smelled her breath breathing. I love her scent and I had missed her like crazy.

That beautiful smile that lit up her face when her eyes opened and she saw me smiling at her, she is everything good and perfect.

One of my girlfriends came over tonight with a bag of gifts. She always has a token of something special she picks up when we get together. On the back she wrote Proverbs 17:6 and when she left I looked it up.

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged ... Proverbs 17:6

King Solomon knew when he wrote this. To me Sofia is a beautiful crown and far more beautiful than crowned jewels. 

For those who adorn themselves in diamonds and jewels of extravagant value, what I have is far more precious then those jewels.

I had some someone ask me yesterday how many grandchildren do I have and how old are they? I said two. One is one year old and the other is in heaven. 

Of the one that I love so much, a piece of my heart broke at the loss of another. Each grandchild absolutely matters.

A chocolate ring around her lips from sharing ice cream, her chubby little body standing in front of me for another bite and a smile that lights up her eyes, it's the little things that mean everything and I've always said, everything that is most important in life money cannot buy.