Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Bird Nest

In the beginning of the week I noticed dirt and grass on the roof of my car. Through the week I have discovered a nest being carefully created.

I finally caught momma bird in the act!  In mid-air I saw her caring a few sprigs of straw in her mouth, a little at a time that has turned into a beautiful nest, safe in my garage from the elements for her future babies.

There is one problem though … she built her nest on my garage door opener!  She doesn’t realize how her babies will rattle every time it goes up and down.

Momma bird nesting in preparation for her little ones. I can’t help but admire the act of nature that doesn’t even come naturally to some humans.

She found a place for her babies, dry and hidden out of sight.

In respect for her preparation, I am faced with a dilemma of my garage door, the very entrance of the momma bird to her nest.

My fear is at night when her entrance is shut. Will she beat herself against the window of the door to get out if she is in or to get in if she is out?  I contemplate leaving the garage door open at night. Does she realize I am a fanatic about my car staying clean?

Visions of my car being messed on, her babies rattling as the door opens and closes and worse yet, her desperately trying to get in or out to her nest has me worried.

Her nest is now complete. Congratulations birdie momma on the fine engineering of your nest. I’m impressed.

I am especially fond of momma’s who do this on their own. I have a phone call out to bird wildlife rescue to guide and assist me.

It is a good thing I have unlimited car washes!